Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lots of Pics

Here are some pics of Kayden from the past few weeks....

Daddy let me have a snickers....but I couldn't get the wrapper off!

Who needs a spoon when I have my tongue?
I found my TOES!!!!
Sitting on my daddy
I love cups!
I wanted to eat dinner too...Mom gave me a roll...
Its sooooo good!
I can't eat it fast enough!!!

I can almost sit up by myself!!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Kayden's New Trick

I was playing with Kayden one afternoon and tried this little game with him and he LOVED it!! He will actually do it for severl minutes. Sooo cute!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

5 Months Old!

Today Kayden is 5 months old!!!!!!!!!!!! WooooooHooooooo!!!!!!!
We are so excited that Kayden is getting bigger! We can't wait for him to start crawling and walking and become an active little boy!! And we can definately tell you that crawling is around the corner. Kayden has figured out the leg portion, all he has to do now is figure out his arms and lift his torso off the ground and he's mobile. Exciting!!!!!
Other things going on with Kayden......solid foods are going great! He loves his babysitters =) Sleeping through the night in his crib, loves to go on walks, can almost sit up by himself, and just loves to play! He's also starting to wear his 6-9mo clothes, he's getting taller!

Reading a bedtime story with my daddy

Like father, like son

Pretty much the cutest kid ever!

And we also got to hang out with Clint, Courtney, Alex and Adyson this past weekend. Alex and Adyson had never met Kayden and we hadn't seen Clint and Courtney since Kayden was a month old... It was great to catch up and hang out. Kayden was a little overwhelmed with the noise that a 7yr old and 2yr old bring with them. He wasn't so sure about it, but towards the end of the night when everyone calmed down he enjoyed it. It was a fun time!

Adyson, Alex and Kayden at the end of the night!

Until next time.......

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rollin Over

Kayden is an amazing little guy! I love having him around and watching him learn more and more each day! He is trying new solid foods each week, he is consistantly rolling over from his back to his belly, and he can roll back over (belly to back) but he doesn't do it every time. He loves to sit up and see the world around him, he wants to eat and drink every time Brett & I do, and he's sleeping through the night in his crib! We couldn't have asked for a better baby! But we will admit he's spoiled rotten!!! If he ever gets a sibling we're in trouble.....

Hangin out on daddy

Watching TV.....this might come back to haunt us....

Isn't he adorable!!!

Solid foods are going well. Kayden is learning how to swallow more than he spits out. He has tried rice cereal, applesauce, sweet potatoes and oatmeal. Up Next: bananas and squash =)

Eatting the oatmeal off the bib

Ok I'm done now. Get this bib off me!

Sweet potatoes are tasty!!

And here is a little video of him rolling over! He's got this part down!