Its March which means another month closer to someone turning one! He's getting so big! He loves to cruise and crawl all over, he gets into everything (and I mean everything)! He just figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets this weekend, I guess that means we have a little more baby proofing to go... And he loves to make noise. If he can bang things together, against the wall or against other toys, thats what he does. If the house is every quiet he's either sleeping or getting into something he's not supposed to. ;0)
This past week was fairly normal, although we did make yet another trip to the dr only to find out we have an ear infection and goopy eyes. Which meant another round of amoxicillin and some eye drops. If you've ever had to put eye drops in a 9mo old's eyes, you would know that its Impossible!! Luckily tomorrow is the last day for eye drops! wooohooo! And then 5 more days of amoxicillin (next time we go to the dr Brett just wants to get a lifetime prescription since we've been on it 5 times already. Lol
Right now we are working on standing alone and walking! Kayden can stand for roughly 30 seconds without holding onto anything, and he can take about 2 steps before loosing his balance!! Soooo cute! He's getting there. We're working really hard on it. We'll post a video soon.
I'm adorable!
Playing with my new toy
I don't wanna take a picture mom!
Asleep in my new carseat
Like Papa like grandson (I think he's got a little Janway in him)