Friday, March 30, 2012

Photo Dump

Well it's back to work and back to school in the Palmer household this week, so not a ton going on. We did get confirmation from Kayden's school that he will be transitioning to the 2 year old classroom in the next couple of weeks! I think he's ready and he's been enjoying the time he's spending between the two classrooms. Here are a variety of pictures from my phone this week. This weekend should be fun, as we have two playdates, one with Kim, Katilyn and Jacob and the other with AmyJo and Nash! Can't wait!

Daddy...whats on your head?

Those are my pants!

Give them to me daddy!

Now put them on my head!!

Someone got a cool CB sticker for their bike!

Bike Ride!

Look at how stinkin cute this kid is!

Look he's my size mom!

Playing at the outlet mall


Funny story: We go over to Robb and Casey's last weekend and hung out for a bit. Casey was having a beverage and loves putting beer salt on her drinks. Well Kayden wanted to partake in the salt consumption. So Casey let him stick his finger in the bottle and he would lick it off and ask for more! It was totally gross, but super cute. Whatever makes the kid happy!

Hangin out wiht Daddy and the big boys!

Don't take my picture!


And lastly this is my favorite.... Wednesday night Kayden didn't sleep very well so I let his teacher know when I dropped him off at school. Nap time rolls around and I get this picture sent to me from his teacher....I guess he was so tired he couldn't even get to his nap bed (its right next to him!) They did move him but not without taking this picture first!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Part 2 Colorado Vacation

Day 4

So last night it snowed, so we headed back up to CB to see just how much snow there was....not as much as we hoped, but hey it was pretty while it lasted! We got some pretty views of the mountain, looked at our DREAM houses (can we borrow 4.9 million??? just send us a check in the mail! hehehehe), we did some shopping, attempted to have a nice dinner (lets just say someone had other plans and didn't want to sit down at dinner) and headed back to the cabin for a movie night.

A great view of CB


Silly boy

Love this stinker!


I don't wanna be good anymore...

Day 5

Today we hung out at the cabin and just enjoyed a slow day. We played outside, took a walk, drove up Gold Creek, went to Pitkin. Oh and ordered Brett's favorite Slogars for dinner!!! Probably the best day we had ALL vacation!

You can't catch me!

Nap time!

Ridin on daddy's shoulders

This is fun!

Can I drive???

Day 6

We decided that Kayden had probably had enough of the elevation change and so we decided to pack up early and head home. We love spending time in Colorado and can't wait to go back. Hopefully when Kayden can tell us whats bothering him! Oh the joys of having an almost two year old.

Watching daddy pack the car

The cabin (which belongs to Francy) is filled with these cute little wooden bears. Kayden LOVED them!! We had to move one from the corner to the middle of the room so he could see it up close. The bears are actually carved locally just up the road. So we went to Pitkin to visit the carver. There were technically closed, but the graciously let us pick out a bear! Here is our new addition!

Black bear!

Overall a great vacation, minus the fits that someone threw.... But you can't control everything and as long as you enjoy the people your with and the gorgeous views around you, everything else will fall into place.
Thank you Greg and Francy for letting us use the cabin!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Part 1 of Colorado Vacation

Day Before We Leave.....

So the day before we leave, we've got packing to do, errands to run, all the basics to get ready for a big road trip. I dropped Kayden off at school and he felt a little warm. An hour later school calls and he has a 102.5 fever. Oh joy. So I pick him up and bring him to work with me so I can get a little bit done. 1 hour later we go to the car to leave and what does he do???? Projectile vomits in my car!!! OY VEY! Neither one of us knew what to do! So we ended up going home, where Kayden slept 75% of the entire day....poor buddy!

Sleepy sick little buddy

His fever seemed to be decreasing so we decided to go forth with out trip....

Day 1 - Travel Day

Traveling with an almost 2 year old who is getting over being sick is FUN! (insert insane amount of sarcasm here). This guy didn't want to be in his carseat, wanted his window rolled down, wanted up front with mom, wanted to play with his cars, wanted to watch a get the picture! We made it in 13 glorious hours.... We were very glad to get to the cabin!!!

Cheesin with mommy

Are we there yet???


This is my excited face!!!

Sweepy baby.....

Day 2 - St. Patricks Day!

You would think that on vacation one would be able to sleep in....not so much. We were all awake about 6:30a on our first day! So we put on our green and headed to crested butte! We didn't do too much, as Kayden still didn't feel very well....but nothing beats the cool air of colorado and....

a sleeping leprechaun!!!

Day 3 - Dad goes Snowboarding

Today daddy got to go snowboarding, which meant mom and Kayden were left to get into our own trouble. First we enjoyed a nice nap (always the best way to start!). Then we did some shopping (can't go wrong with that either). Next we headed up to the mountain to do some more shopping and see if we could find daddy on the mountain. No luck seeing daddy, but instead we found a children's museum! The perfect spot for Kayden to safely play and mom to relax and not worry about cleaning up! Wooohoooo!!!

Up from our nap!

Shopping at the children's museum

Selecting produce

An apple!

Lets go shopping!

Digging in the dig pit!

The "dirt" is recycled old tire pieces

There's trucks in here!

Then we all headed back to the cabin...Why you ask? Someone decided to throw a ginormous FIT! Not gonna lie he threw about 3 a day, every day we were there.... But when we got home it was SNOWING!!!!

This is fun!

I'm cold......
MUCH Better!

Funny Dinner Story
So we grabbed a late dinner and decided to get chips and salsa as an appetizer. Kayden usually loves salsa and queso and can eat it by the spoonful. Well this salsa had a kick to it. Kayden FREAKED out! He screamed, tried to wipe his tongue off and threw a fit. So when the waitress brought dinner we handed her the plate and asked her to take it back. Kayden got mad, so she left the chips and substitued with ketchup. GENIUS!!! He dipped the chips in it all evening! Hey at least its a vegetable, right? Oh and not included in the picture is the water, of which he dumped one sugar packet, one equal packet and one sweet-n-low packet. Mmmmm...... He loved every bite!

part two...tomorrow.