Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baby Girl's Shower :)

This past weekend Andrea graciously hosted a baby shower for little girl. :) It was a small crowd, but it was perfect! The kids played well together and we ate some fabulous food, lots of candy and some delicious cupcakes! Oh and baby girl got spoiled with ruffle bottoms, sparkly hair bows and lots more. So thankful for great friends!!!!

A fingerprint tree to remember our party

Me and my guy!

Lots of candy!

Pink cupcakes by our infamous baker Mindy!

Welcome sign =)

Dirty diaper anyone? 

Can we cheat????

I didn't sign up for this!!!! 

The host!

Thanks for making such a fun game!!!
Too bad I cheated with Lyz ..... hehehehehe 

The hostest with her mostest, little miss Reagan

Gretche, me, Michele and Baby Allison
(note her expression after seeing my gigantic belly!)

Party goers :)

Thanks for a fabulous time!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Baby Shower preview!

Saturday my girls threw me a sweet little baby shower. Nothing crazy big, just simple and sweet. Well before party time I get these pictures from Andrea (the host).... just party teasers!

More to come!!!
(Aka....the pictures are on Andreas camera!)

The many sides of Kayden

This little guy is full of energy, never stops, and you never know what your gonna get. But I can't get enough of him!!!! shaving cream at school

He was mad I made him put on his big coat.....

But then he learned why....He wasn't quite sure what to think of it

But then he found it fun!


Then we made cupcakes....and I keep them plain so K can decorate on his own, which he loves!

He's very particular


We also got some cool stickers in the mail, so I let him decorate the back of the front door

Check out the sword he got! Thanks daddy!

This kid didn't take a nap Saturday, so as I'm picking up the toys at bedtime, I turn around for 2 min and he's crashed. My sweet sweet angel.

And then he wakes me up with this ornery face! Gotta love him!

Cupcake for snack.....Thats one way of not getting your hands messy!

My little buddy this morning! Happy and ready for the day!

Monday, February 18, 2013

My babies

This picture deserves its own post. One of the few moments I have left with the sweetest boy in the world before baby sister gets here. I'm loving every second of it!


What a week/weekend!

Some weeks just fly by with all the craziness going on and things to get done. I think its safe to say its been one of those weeks. There is a lot to do at home, at work and lots to get prepared for. I'm very thankful for a little helper who doesn't mind helping out (most of the time). We've managed to clean the house, get more baby things ready, finalize important hospital preparations, be silly, visit Kim, Kaitlyn, Jacob and Mike, exhaust mom and Kayden is still going! What I wouldn't give for some of his energy right about now. :)

Drawing....he's so intense!

Bedtime rice krispie treat

Playing at mom's work


Silly faces


He wanted all his toy boxes on the ottoman....crazy boy.

Playing trains with Jacob

The boys playing with Kaitlyn's birthday presents

Such a happy boy with his balloon!

Baby Girl =)
Saw the dr on Friday. Everything looks and sounds perfect! Blood pressure is excellent, baby is growing right on track. So I'll see the dr in 2 weeks and then we are every week after that until birth! This little girl will be here in a month and I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How far along: 35 weeks
Total weight gain: -13
Best moments this month: In the final homestretch!
Food cravings: Let's be honest....chocolate cake donuts with chocolate icing. Yup.
Gender: It's a Girl! I think the final decision has been made..... But it will stay a secret until birth!
Labor signs: Daily. 5 more weeks....5 more weeks....
What I miss: Finding a comfortable position....soooooo close!
What I am looking forward to: I get one final ultrasound in 2 weeks!
Milestones: Baby is the size of a coconut! Baby is head down in preparations to come out and its hearing has fully developed. Baby responds best to high pitch sounds.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!! Make sure you tell someone you love them today and everyday!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

simple and sweet

Its been a fairly quiet week around here. Very thankful for those weeks, as the future is looking chaotic. Kayden is his crazy little self. Always making a mess and being a little boy. I happened to get the stomach flu on Tues/Wed. Thankfully it was only 24 hours and that fell on daddy day, so I had some quiet time to get back to normal. Friday was Daddy Daughter dance at work. Dad took Kayden for the beginning of the dance and then dropped him off to me before he headed off to work. This weekend we went to a baby shower for Allison and Baby Bryce and then spent Sunday hanging out with Andrea and Reagan. Simple, sweet and just what we needed :)

Helping himself to crackers  

Daddy Daughter Dance fun!!!

Kayden thinks his puppy and bear need their own pillow in bed....

Dinner date with Reagan =)

Bubble time!