I am totally in love with my babies. Kayden still loves to be the center of attention but he's also the sweetest thing to his sister. I'm so very blessed he's as good as he is! Emery is just a snuggle bug. She doesn't enjoy being put down so the majority of the day she is snuggled all sweetly on my chest. One of the best feelings ever.
Loving on sister
My babies!!!
Such a big helper =)
He loves to be right next to sister
I have started to notice a lot of similarities and differences between the two. Some are neat!
Emery: 3-15
Kayden: 5-13
Super cool!
Emery: loves the boob, hates the bottle
Kayden: hated the boob, loved the bottle
Both love to co-sleep and I love it!
Emery: HATES it
Kayden: LOVED it
(I think that has to do with liking the bottle)
Emery: prefers to be on her belly, not very fond of being on her back, unless she's snuggled up next to you
Kayden: slept on his back and hated being on his belly
And sometimes I become a human pillow
Bubble time together!
(like my censoring??!! hahaha)
There's more, but I'm tired and can't think of them. Thankfully both are great babies and are so incredibly lovable. These two make everything worthwhile and I am blessed beyond measure. I am so in LOVE with my beautiful babies!!!