waiting for the dr
Little Miss Emery was 4months old last week which meant we had our 4 month check up.
Length 24 1/2" - 75th percentile
Weight 15lb 4oz - 90th percentile
Thats exactly where she was at 2 months, so she's looking good. She's developing right on track, and obviously eating well. We were given the go ahead to try solids, and ended with an oral vaccine and 3 shots. :( I had a babysitter lined up for that afternoon because I knew E would want to snuggle. And thats pretty much all she did.
All done!
Little did I know was that the shots would leave her fussy and a little off for the entire week. Tuesday morning I dropped her off at school and by noon I had gotten a call that she wasn't eatting and wouldn't stop crying. So I took the afternoon and snuggled my baby.
sweet snuggles
I can multitask if needed...
What is little miss doing? She is starting to become more attentive, will follow you with her eyes, smiles constantly, coo's and giggles are becoming consistent. She has rolled from her belly to her back once, but normally she just rocks back and forth....it won't be long now. I had a friend over last week and she has a 7month old, and it kinda took Kayden by surprise that this baby was mobile. He's going to be in for a little shock when sister starts moving around.
Michele with Baby A and Baby E
Big brother taking care of little sis
My "crabby" babies
This is for you mom....Look closely at what it says at the bottom of the picture....
Facebook seems to think my Kayden looks like Travis Ritz!
The rest of the week was a little rough, but E managed to stay at school the next 3 days. But to say it was a long, rough week, would be an understatement.
But kissing these cheeks will make it all worth it!