For Fathers Day weekend, Brett managed to get the weekend off! So we decided to spend some time as a family and we made a road trip to Seminole to check out the Children's Museum. It was decent, and the kids had a great time. They had a little train, so we got went for a ride, and just played! It was a great weekend.
We decided that it would be a good idea to let Kayden take swim lessons this summer. He loves the water and I just want to make sure he is safe. So last week we started lessons..... This kid LOVES it! He is totally the class clown, but he's learning, practicing the skills at home and having a blast!
Its summertime in Oklahoma which means its hott, I want to shave my head, we play in the pool ALOT, and get to have lots of fun outside time. So far the summer is going well. The kids still don't understand the whole "summer" thing which is nice because I still have to work. Here's a little bit of everything thus far.