Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2/3rds cooked!

Third tri-mester starts this weekend which means we're 2/3rds cooked. Baby is doing great. It has discovered how to stretch and enjoys attempting to crawl through my stomach to get out. Its cute, but rather annoying. We are already starting to have little talks about how mom doesn't like that. Brett even helps reprimand too. Our checkup last week went smoothly. The glucose screen came back normal, so we'll see the doctor in 4 weeks for our 30 week checkup.

Baby did receive its first baby gift in the mail yesterday from "aunt" Megan and soon-to-be "uncle" Matt. Thank you both and hope to see you super super soon!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

Baby still has not revealed its sex. And is NOT going to until birth. And honestly I'm starting to get sick of people asking. Brett puts up with it better than I do. But I'm to the point that if you ask me again, I'm not going to tell you when the baby is born. If its a shopping thing, its still possible to shop without knowing. There are plenty of things baby needs that are not color specific (check the registry if you can't find something). If its just a nosy thing, get over it. (sorry if I'm mean but I'm sick of everyone asking. Its not your decision, so respect our decision).

Brett has switched to night shift. He just finished his second week last night. Two more weeks on nights and then he goes to evenings for 4 weeks. Training is never ending. He is loving nights and is learning alot. He got his first DUI over the weekend and was super excited about it. He has wednesday and thursday nights off, and sleeps through the day. So if you need him, the best time to get ahold of him is from 6-9pm.

I'm just working and keeping myself busy. I'm headed to Texas this weekend with Katie to see Sarah and Paul and we are pumped! Friday afternoon can't come soon enough. And I'm looking forward to the baby shower weekend because my Mom, Dad and Rebecca will be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 65 days!!!!!!!!! Sarah is also coming up that weekend so it'll be a crazy weekend with all the Janway's :)

Baby shower is Saturday April 24 at 1pm. I know it conflicts with a couple of people, we did our best at planning it around what we knew was occuring. So mark your calendars! Everyone is welcome to come, just let me know so I can get you the info.

Well enjoy the rest of your week! Hope to see you all sometime when schedules allow!
Love, Brett & Rachel

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