Thursday, March 25, 2010

32 weeks

Yesterday was my 32 week appointment and things are moving along great! I'm right on track with everything, baby's heartbeat is strong. I love listening to it each time I go. And baby had decided to wedge itself sideways yesterday, which makes my belly look big. Its quite funny.

The baby's room is slowing coming along. Furniture is put together and in place, however thats about as far as we've gotten. Still plenty of time left to get it all done.....and I know pieces of it are coming in April with my family..... :)

Things here are definately keeping Brett and I busy. Brett is still in training (I'm not sure it ever but he is loving the job. He's writing a lot of tickets and learning new aspects of the job daily. He's really found his passion in life.

Work for me is heading into the busy season. Recreation programs are more eventful in the warmer months. Currently I'm preparing for the 33rd Annual Arts Festival in April and 80s and over month in May. And to top it all off my department is undergoing some "changes", not sure what they all are yet, but we shall see as they unfold.
However all of my senior participants are continually asking me when I'm due, and what the baby is. I think I've answered those questions at least 50 times the past two days. I'm going to make a sign and attach it to my belly so I can quit answering the same question over and over again.
And I've discovered why pregnant women are so sensitive about their weight and how they look..... Because there are many people who seem to think its ok to tell a pregnant woman that she is gaining weight or getting big! I was shocked to hear that which my response was the baby is gaining weight :) A more appropriate statement would be your belly looks cute. People amaze me every day.... I just bite my tongue when appropriate.

Here is another fun pic.....

This is my best friend Kim and I at the beginning of March. Kim is due in July with her second, a baby boy! Only 8 weeks apart! Its fun having someone to share pregnancy with, someone who is actually going through the same things as you. I'm sure our babies will be close friends with lots of play dates!

Brett and I have our birthing class this weekend, so hopefully we learn something and are prepared for the big day! Its coming up soon!!! 8 weeks till due date or 58 days....not that I'm counting! :) Can't wait to meet baby!!!!!!

Brett and Rachel

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