Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4 weeks to go!

Where has the time gone?! Dday is around the corner and this whole pregnancy has flown by! I'm kind of greatful for that. Soon our little one will be here and Brett and I couldn't be more excited!

Friday was our 36 week appointment. The first official check showed that I am 1.5-2cm dialated and 30% effaced! YEAH!!! We're on the way!!! Everything looks great, baby is still stretched out and enjoying its little home :) Now its just a waiting game......we'll see the dr every week until delivery! (which means I go back tomorrow....oy vey!) Baby already has great taste though.....

Go Pokes!! Already a cowboy fan! (Thank you Chet & Andrea)

Saturday was our official baby shower. Thank you to Kim, Mike and Kaitlyn for hosting!!!!! Everything was wonderful, good food, tasty cake and family and friends. (And nothing too girly or "fluffy")
It was great to see everyone and baby enjoyed all of its presents! Bottles, onsies, sheets, diapers, highchair and toys, just to name a few. Thank you to everyone who came and/or sent gifts! We had a great time and think we're almost ready for baby.  --More pics to come in another blog, I have to get them from other people--

The baby's room is almost together (gotta get moving on that one.....just not enough time in the day). The crib is ready to go and so is the changing table. The two most important parts. Car seats are installed in both cars, and the stroller is ready for its first walk. With all the gifts from this weekend, we're trying to get things organized and put away when we have time. If only we had a day off to get it all done at once (I'll keep dreaming.........) We're ready for baby no matter when it comes.

Brett has officially finished his FTO program!!!! And he made his first newspaper article, and on the front page too! I am super proud of Officer Brett Palmer! He has worked his tail off getting this far and now he's official :)
Work for me.... lets just say budget cuts continue, old people are cranky, I love my job, but I'm ready for maternity leave :)

More pictures to come soon of baby shower and the weekend with my family!

Love, Brett & Rachel

Thursday, April 8, 2010

6 weeks and counting!

6 weeks or 45 days left until due date!!! Either way you look at it time is flying by! Brett and I are soooo excited to meet our little addition and are ready (maybe due date will come sooner... I'll start eating spicy foods to get things rolling....hahahahaha)

Today I had my 34 week appointment. As usual, the appointment was a whole ten minutes. Everything is right on track. Baby's heartbeat is strong, and it has "jacknifed" itself in my belly. Meaning the head is pointed down, the butt sticks out at my belly button and the legs are straightened with the toes sticking out my right side. This baby is hilarious!! At least its head is pointed in the right direction, thats the first step. I'll see the dr again in two weeks and then it should be weekly until baby gets here!

The baby's room hasn't changed at all.....It will get done before baby gets here, no worries :) Baby shower is in two weeks! (Invitations are in the mail, call Kim to RSVP) Thank you to Kim for hosting!!!!! And with the baby shower in two weeks, that means my family will be here in two weeks too!!!!!!! Sooooooo excited!!!!! 15 days!! We took our birthing class this past weekend. It wasn't too bad, hopefully some of it will come in handy on Dday.

With the due date around the corner, Brett and I have talked about the hospital and visitors, etc. and we want to say everything now before the time occurs. Due to many reasons we have decided to not have any visitors at the hospital. The birth is a very personal moment that we would like to spend with each other, and then after the baby is born we would like the opportunity to bond with baby before the stress of "entertaining" visitors at the hospital. We know that all of you are just as excited to meet baby, but we would ask that you refrain from visiting until we are home from the hospital. This will take alot of stress off of us as we deliver and deal with work schedules. We promise to notify all of you when baby is born, no worries!!We know that many of you won't necessarily like this or agree with it, but its something that we want and will really help eliminate some stress and allow us to focus on the birth of our baby. If you have questions or want to talk about it, just ask! :)

Brett is finishing up his training....its almost over!!!! He's enjoying every moment of it and is pumped to be out on his own soon. He's really come a long way and you can definately see a change in how he works and presents himself. I'm super proud of him! We have a police scanner at home and when I'm home alone I like to listen to him on the radio when I'm bored. Its kinda fun to actually know someone over the radio.

Work for me is insane, especially with the preparation of the upcoming budget. There are many changes in store and it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out. Too bad I'm not due at the end of June or I could avoid the start of the changes....hehehehehe

Well enjoy the rest of your week! We're excited to see most of you in two weeks at the baby shower! Don't forget to rsvp :)

Brett & Rachel