Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome baby Reagan!!

So.....I got a text from my friend Andrea yesterday that said she was going to be induced! I was super pumped and was anxiously awaiting the text message that included the precious picture of her daughter....well she finally came yesterday evening around 9:30p.

Here is Reagan Grace Skimbo
7lb 2 oz, 19in

Andrea didn't want me to take her picture....but I think she looks fabulous for just popping out a kid!

Both baby and mom are doing fabulous. Little miss Reagan is already a thumb sucker. She was fussing for a while today until we took off her mitten so she could suck on her thumb! It was precious!! And mom is surviving after a long day of induction and a c-section. I went to visit today and I have forgotten what it feels like to hold that precious little baby in your arms! They really do grow up fast.
Reagan is perfect and I'm excited to show her to Kayden soon!!

Congrats to the Skimbo family!!!

Blowing Bubbles

I'm not really sure where Kayden learned this, but he has started doing it ALL the time! He just starts blowing spit bubbles. Its hilarious!! Here's a quick video....he's really good!

Monday, August 22, 2011

15 mo checkup!

Kayden had his 15mo checkup this morning. He's growing like a weed!!!

Height: 33in (90th percentile)
Weight: 27lb 3oz (75th percentile)
Head: 19.5"

He's perfect in every way....developmentally, height, weight, progression, everything! Yeah!!! And the best part was NO shots! Next appointment he gets one.....
The dr did mention that he should be starting the tantrum stage.....I think we're ahead of schedule because he started that months ago!

Other than that we're all busy around here. Kayden destroy's the house daily. He's a human tornado. He's cute, but he can make one heck of a mess. This weekend we went to the new outlet mall with Aunt Katie and Kayden did great! I was super return he got a new toy and new books!
Although we did stop for lunch and got ice cream......and instead of just taking a bite, someone stole the entire cone! He gave me bites instead! was cute

I'll just use my fingers...

Look what I got mom!


Brett switched to day shift this weekend and today classes started, so he's staying busy with all the little freshman....
I'm working my tail off with running two facilities and keeping up with grad school. Just taking it one day at a time and going with the flow. No need to worry about it all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hanging out with the Janway fam....

I absolutely LOVE when my family comes to visit! They live so far away that its hard to not see them at least once a month and for them to see Kayden grow up! (Thats the worst part about living so far away :(.... ) But it does make the time we spend together so much more special and enjoyable.
Last week Mom and Rebecca got to drive down to bring Katie back to Stillwater (Katie spent her summer in Michigan). And so we spent a couple of days hanging out, decorating Katie's new apartment and just playing with Kayden. Then Dad drove down seperate (its hard to tear him away from work...) and we had even more fun driving down a dirt road to look at tornado damage ( I will NEVER do that again with dad in the car.....yikes!) Overall a fabulous time spent with them, just too short!!! Hopefully Kayden and I can go visit this fall, and its wonderful to have Aunt Katie back in Stillwater! Here are some pics from their visit, too bad I only got out the camera while we played in the water table with Aunt Rebecca!

Cranky Kayden....

Playing nicely

Aunt Rebecca got me wet!

Propping my feet up

water play....

Mr Kayden

Can I drink it?

Pretty Rebecca!

Grandma bought Kayden a hat that says Grandma likes me best.....the only way he keeps it on his head is when he is sleeping!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Little Mr. Independent

Kayden is quite the character. He has figured out how to all sorts of things and he likes to do them on his own. He likes to unplug the av cords from the side of the tv and plug them back in (he is proud that he can do that). That also carries over to unplugging things from the wall....and attempting to plug them back in before mom and dad freak out! I'm pretty sure he will electrocute himself before too long. If he gets hungry, he goes to the kitchen and picks out what he wants (it may be a box of macaroni....) He has also figured out how to climb up on the kitchen chairs, climb on the couch, feed himself with silverware, he knows that his shoes go on his feet but he hasn't figured out exactly how to put them on. One of the cutest new things he has learned is how to pick up the phone (or anything that looks like a phone...remotes) and he puts them to his ear and looks up at us. We normally say, "hello, santa clause?" He loves it! He is definitely his own little person. This week Grandma and Grandpa Janway and Aunt Rebecca are bringing Aunt Katie back to Oklahoma! We are super excited to spend some time with them and have Aunt Katie back! Two more days!!

I think we should have mashed potatoes for dinner...

Pretty please?

My little stinker!


Hanging out with my daddy

Eating yogurt

Kayden is learning how to use his spoon!

Wearing daddy's shoes

They won't stay on my feet!

Daddy has big feet!

Enjoying cupcakes at Jacob's birthday party

Yes...that would be blue icing!