Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Arts Festival Week

This past week has been a little nuts. It was Arts Festival week for me, which meant work, work, work! Thankfully the weekend was amazing, weather worked in our favor and now I can say its OVER!!! Now I get to take another week and a half off to spend time with my babies, and my family! YEAH!!! So here's what I have in pictures.....Didn't get a ton. I'll have more next week!

Pistol Pete Mustache!!!

Aunt Rebecca and Emery

My cookie helpers

Kayden is making m&m cookies

Aunt Rebecca is making chocolate chip cookies

Love love love this girl!!!

Gamma....you crazy!

the many faces of my girl

And this is how I've felt all week....

Yup thats my girl!

Is this festival over yet???

We're only smiling because we're getting paid


Only a small portion of the best staff in the world!!!!

And lastly...Emery says ROCK ON!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One month!

Is that even possible??? My sweet little girl is already a month old??!!!
And that puts my little man a month away from being 3!!!!

Good thing they will always be my babies!!!! :) Love these two!

My sweet girl!!

My big boy!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My beautiful babies

I am totally in love with my babies. Kayden still loves to be the center of attention but he's also the sweetest thing to his sister. I'm so very blessed he's as good as he is! Emery is just a snuggle bug. She doesn't enjoy being put down so the majority of the day she is snuggled all sweetly on my chest. One of the best feelings ever.

Loving on sister

My babies!!!

Such a big helper =)

He loves to be right next to sister

I have started to notice a lot of similarities and differences between the two. Some are neat!

Emery: 3-15
Kayden: 5-13
Super cool!

Emery: loves the boob, hates the bottle
Kayden: hated the boob, loved the bottle

Both love to co-sleep and I love it!

Emery: HATES it
Kayden: LOVED it
(I think that has to do with liking the bottle)

Emery: prefers to be on her belly, not very fond of being on her back, unless she's snuggled up next to you
Kayden: slept on his back and hated being on his belly

And sometimes I become a human pillow

Bubble time together!
(like my censoring??!! hahaha)

There's more, but I'm tired and can't think of them. Thankfully both are great babies and are so incredibly lovable. These two make everything worthwhile and I am blessed beyond measure. I am so in LOVE with my beautiful babies!!!

Hoppy Easter!

Easter weekend was pretty simple around here. Kayden had an Easter parade and egg hunt on Friday, so Emery and I joined him at school. Kayden had a blast... Although he didn't get a lot of eggs because he figured out they opened, so every time he picked one up he had to open it. It was cute.

Easter parade

Look at my basket!

ready to go!!!

An egg!!!

Can you see he's opened them all??!!!

Look mom its an egg


Easter Sunday we went over to Brett's to enjoy some food and visit with some of his family. Matt, Andrea, Marcia, and her friend Laurie all come up. We grill hamburgers, played with bubbles, little miss got passed around and we even dyed Easter eggs with shaving cream and food coloring. It was messy but Kayden loved it!!

Little bunny feet :)

Bubbles with daddy and uncle Matt

I'm gonna get you!

Daddy can do it too!

Shaving cream eggs

He didn't like to touch it....


The finished product

Playing with his eggs
We hope you enjoyed your Easter!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 2

So you would think with being on maternity leave that I would have plenty of time to blog.....hahahaha I'd much rather spend my time snuggling with my little girl and enjoying nap time. Be jealous :)

Week 2:
This week my parents and sister got to come visit! Yeah for having 6 extra hands to help out with Emery, play with Kayden and cook fabulous dinners. And Kayden loved his Papa! I'm thankful for the help and the company.
Emery also had her two week checkup and the doctor says she looks absolutely perfect! We don't have to go back to the doctor until 2 months :)

Rebecca and little miss

Papa, E, Rebecca


Playin with Papa

Chalk fun

And this is how the insanity normally looked

lego tower
crazy animal print girls