Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The beginning of November

Wow. The first two weeks of November have flown by! I can't event seem to keep up, the days just fly by.

K is doing good. We are having some struggles with verbalizing our anger vs. acting out. So we are working on some behavior charts and understanding the importance of expressing our anger in a positive manner. Its a long process, and with time we will improve. Other than that he's his ornery sweet self.

Pre-K school pictures!

Laffy taffy doubles as facial hair

Love K snuggles

E is a little miss sassy pants. She is understanding so much, but she still isn't really talking. I guess brother and mom do a little too much. Ha! I know she will when she is ready

oreos are yummy

Brothers cup and brothers shoes....this kid....

am I cool?

The other day I decided to refocus everyone's energy and put up the Christmas tree! K loved being able to set it up and E's eye sparkled when we first turned it on. Yes its still November, but it just brings this happiness and spirit into our lives. I love it.

and yes, there are pumpkins in the picture. K refused to let me throw them out. 

Everything else is just moving along. Work is busy, the holiday season is upon us. We have my cousin's daughters birthday party this weekend, And I'm sure there will be more. Until then....I'll just enjoy the earthquakes (one just shook my office as I was typing). Weird!

Matching PJs

I love being able to dress my babies in matching pjs. And although they are boy/girl, I try to find a pair that are fairly gender neutral.... this year I found some footed penguin ones! They just look so stinking cute when dressed alike! I'll even include the pics from last year!

Christmas 2013

winter 2013-2014

October 2014

Newest matching pjs!!!
(and they have matching santa ones coming next month!!!)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Birthday Parties

There comes a time when your child start getting invited to birthday parties and you must oblige.....well that time has come. We've attended 3 in the past 3 weeks, 2 of which were this past weekend. Crazy!

Jack's birthday was a couple of weeks ago at Stillwater Spacewalk (aka inflatables). Super fun! We had a blast!

Charles's birthday was also at Stillwater Spacewalk. I didn't take pictures, however 3 of our favorite daycare teachers were there, so the kids were going crazy!!! And mom got a nice little break.

Chance's birthday was at Lost Creek Safari, a new wild animal park in Stillwater. That was fun!

We hope everyone had a great birthday! Now onto the next one! (we already have another invite for a party in 2 weeks!)

Halloween 2014

This year Halloween was a little chaotic and full of things to do.
It started with two Halloween parties at two schools (thankfully they were at different times).

K's Halloween Party

E's Halloween Party

Then we decorated two pumpkins and carved 3 more when we got home. I let K clean out the pumpkin, draw the face and I assisted him in carving it. He was super proud of himself. They all turned out great!

Lastly we decided to go to dinner and then trick or treating. Well we made it a whole two houses and I had two party poopers on my hands. Lol....maybe more next year!



