Monday, October 29, 2012

Busy busy week!

This past week has flown by! It started off with dad being out of town for two days for training....that equaled a lot of pictures to send to dad so he didn't miss a thing!

Daddy just left

ready for bed

Good morning daddy!

Am I cute or what?

just chillin

Daddy comes home today!

Then once dad got home, we got one whole day of "normal" at our house. This is what "normal" looks like....

My big baby


Spilled milk.....oy vey

Friday was a BUSY day! It started off with a trip to OKC to pick up RahRah from the airport. Her plane was an hour late, so Kayden and I went to celebration station. Super fun! Then we grabbed RahRah and went straight to the ultrasound appointment (more about that in a min). From there we ran over to our friend Ally's house, and then headed off to a yummy dinner at Teds! After dinner, Sarah, Keri, Kayden and I had to finish grocery shopping for tailgate on Saturday. So Keri and I grocery shopped and let RahRah chase Kayden around the store.....she lost him once and came to get me (he's better at hiding than she is!)....I think there is a reason she doesn't have kids! hehehehehe. Finally we headed home!

Saturday was tailgate!!! Everyone takes turns on providing the food, and this week was our turn. So tacos/nachos it was. Yumm!!! Food was great, the temperature was decent if you were in the sun, Brett stopped by the bus (we tailgate with an old school bus that has been turned into the SlowPoke bus), and then to ice the cake.....our group had two spare tickets, which meant Kayden and I got to go to the game!!! A Big THANK YOU to Rich for the tickets!!! Kayden seemed interested in the game until almost half time. By then it was nap time and he curled up in my lap and passed out. How? I have no clue. He slept through halftime and the 3rd quarter. And our seats are right next to the band....I'm glad he's a heavy sleeper. By the time he woke up we were winning! It was a good game and I'm glad we got to go =)

Ipad cartoons in bed

Look at the cool coozie bracelets!

Driving the bus!

Kayden's first football game!

Sleepy boy

Love my sweet boy!

Baby #2

I had my 19 ultrasound on Friday. Baby decided that it was tired and curled up into a cute little ball for the majority of the appointment. Its feet were curled under its butt and its hands were snuggled by its face. Super cute, but not very cooperative. We even tried some sugar, jumping jacks and a punch to the side (thanks RahRah). Nothing worked. Depending upon the radiologists report, we might have to go back and have the ultrasound redone. Oh yea....and due to the position of the baby......we still don't know the sex. Guess this one might keep us guessing!
How far along: 19weeks 1day
Total weight gain: -20
Best moments this month: I think I felt baby wiggle....still can't tell the difference between baby and indegestion. hehehehe
Food cravings: Cherry slurpees/icees =)
Gender: Baby isn't ready to share
Labor signs: none
What I miss: not eatting all day (my stomach has very little room, so I eat all day long!)
What I am looking forward to: Feeling a real kick!
Milestones: Baby is the size of a Mango!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Boy or Girl????

So as much as I want to keep things a secret, its not as easy as it may seem. With Kayden we knew the gender at 14 weeks, but kept it a secret until week 32! That wasn't always easy with nosy RahRah and KK.....but we managed. This time around we've decided just to share the news early and make everyone happy (and shut them up early so I don't have to listen to them.....RahRah). As much heck as I give RahRah, she actually gets to partake in the reveal moment!!! She had plans to come into town this weekend for the football game, so I planned my ultrasound for an hour after she lands! She gets to know before the dad gets to know! That's just the way my life goes! So Friday afternoon is the big moment of truth....hopefully baby cooperates and we can know if it's a baby brother or baby sister. The countdown and voting is on! And as requested here is a "belly" shot .... considering I've lost 20lbs, I don't think I look pregnant just have some extra pudge. ;)


What's your vote??

???BOY or GIRL???

Monday, October 22, 2012

200th post!!!

Wow! I'm kind of excited that this is my 200th post! It's only taken me 2 years and lots of craziness to get here.....and what's a blog post without some further craziness from this Palmer family? :)

This past week has been OSU's Homecoming, which means lots going on in town. It started with a soccer game (the week prior). Brett elected to work, so Kayden and I grabbed out sweatshirts and decided to go watch the game. Yeah......lets think about this, a rambunctious 2 year old, sitting still for an hour and a half soccer game??? Hahahahaha....not probable. We still went. Thankfully I come equipped with an iphone that has movies, a purse full of matchbox cars, and when all else fails....we buy pop pop (popcorn), of which he refused to share. We ended up leaving shortly into the second half as you can only contain Kayden for so long. But the cowgirls tied, so not a bad game.

My pop pop....turd.

Friday was Stillwater schools fall break, which meant half of the daycare kids were gone, so they combined classrooms and kids for the day. New classrooms can be fun when the child is properly distracted.....Kayden did good most of the day. But you could definitely tell it was an off day to his normal routine. Nothing some quality time with mom can't cure :)

Racing car ramps!

Its a zoo in here!
Then Friday night is the famous walkaround on campus. Although my favorite walkaround buddy (KK) wasn't there, Kayden and I slowly made it past theta pond and saw all the house decks. It is always amazing to see what the greeks can do with some steel and tissue paper! Kayden seemed kind of interested, although he would have rather spent all his time at theta pond chasing the ducks :) But after we walked it all we settled for a tasty burger hot off the grill. Yum!


Yummy in my tummy!!

Saturday morning started early....when the game starts at 11, that means an 8am parade. Really??? Good thing donuts are made fresh that early ;) Kayden and I grabbed some donuts, headed over to sit with Andrea and Reagan and awaited the presence of Brett. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Officer Brett Palmer had the honor of riding his police bicycle in the parade!!! ;) Thankfully he was at the beginning of the parade with all the other cop cars, and Kayden seemed excited to see him!

No mom...I don't want my picture taken


Hey look who we found!! Sooo cool!!!

After an hour and a half parade, we headed home to watch the game from the comfort of our couch. Needless to say I was exhausted and potentially fell asleep on the couch, but this little 2 year old never seems to loose his energy. And even with all the precautions we take to lock cabinets and keep kids out of things, sometimes we just forget.........and this happens. Oh well. At least my floor was clean?!!!

Needless to say...Brett is OUT of shaving cream. Whoops!!!

But OSU won!!! GO POKES!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Down on the Farm

This week's daycare theme is Farm. They have been learning about various animals and yesterday they had four legged visitors.....Goats!!!! Kayden had a blast!!! He enjoyed petting the goats and watching them. The pictures show how excited he was. The daycare also bought pumpkins and corn stalks for the kids to play with outside. It's been a fun week at daycare!


Bringing over a basket for the corn's a goat! 

Showing Parker (in the teacher's arms) that the goat is nice

See the goat is sweet :)

Gotta check out all ends....

Look at this cheesin kid! 

 I zoomed in on his face! Precious!!!

Baby #2
I had my 16 week appointment today and all looks good! Baby's heartrate was strong and my blood pressure was back to normal. So it was a good visit. I'll see her again in 4 weeks.
How far along: 16weeks 3days
Total weight gain: -20
Best moments this month: The gender is soon to be revealed!!!
Food cravings: Cherry slurpees/icees =) Just ask Brett...I know which gas stations carry my flavor =)
Gender: Two more weeks and we should know!
Labor signs: none
What I miss: big portion eyes are much bigger than my stomach
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully finding out the gender this month!
Milestones: Baby is the size of an avocado. Baby is starting to recognize voices.

Monday, October 8, 2012

When I grow up I want to be.....

You would think that being the child of a police officer, the obvious answer would be a police officer! Well....for a child whose father works nights, which means we never see him in uniform or in his car...I don't think the kid gets it.

Here is the ironic part:
At daycare they bring by local people to share various jobs, animals, etc. Well in the past month they have had both police and fire come to the center. When the policemen came to visit, Kayden was terrified! His teacher said she had to take him back inside because he HATED it. (Hence why I say he has no idea what his father does....). Last week they had the firemen come and..... Kayden LOVED the trucks!!! He was little mr curious looking at the hoses, the tires, looking inside, etc.

My evidence....

Then just to prove the point...We had a car show this weekend and Kayden and I went. Well they had the firetruck there. Kayden wasn't too interested in the actual firemen, but he loved the truck! They let him get inside and sit behind the wheel. He had the biggest smile on his face!!!!

I guess its safe to say right now Kayden would rather be a Firemen! ;)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No control...

I normally like to have control over my life, what the plans are, etc. Well throw in an unpredictable pregnancy, and a 2 year old.....well control just went out the window! However there are moments in which you loose control and everything is amazing. My life is insane, but I wouldn't change it for the world :)

This weekend was a football weekend! That meant Aunt RahRah (Sarah) came into town, which meant we went to tailgate :) With a 7p game, that puts tailgate fun starting at 2p which is normally naptime. We decided to forego naptime and deal with the consequences. Thankfully a 2 year old has the attention span of a nat (so does RahRah), which equaled entertainment for those two! RahRah taught Kayden how to put frosting on his nose.... how to throw bean bags at each other... they dumped water on K's head (as usual)... Did laps through the tailgate bus... and wore my child smooth out! Thanks RahRah! We didn't get to see Brett as his 15 hour shift scored him 8 arrests, some cuts and scrapes and 3 bruises. The life of a police officer!

Frosting noses!

Tired after tailgate

The rest of the weekend has been fairly "normal".

Yummy apples!

How cute is he?!

My boys last night :)

Baby #2
How far along: 15weeks 1days
Total weight gain: -20
Best moments this month: 45 minute ultrasound :)
Food cravings: Not a ton of cravings, but I'm finally able to EAT!!!!
Gender: Not visible yet!
Labor signs: none
What I miss: Margaritas
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully finding out the gender this month!
Milestones: Baby is the size of a navel orange. All four limbs have functional joints which means baby is wiggling and squirming....although mom can't feel it quite yet!
However "normal" doesn't ever last long...... 
This morning started out rather interesting........Kayden didn't agree with the breakfast choices I was giving him so he threw a little fit. Well after trying to get me to agree with him, he started tugging on my hand, which resulted in.......... him falling on his face and hitting his nose. After he got up, he was rubbing his nose and whining and then he moved his hand...... Can you say Nosebleed??!!! Oy vey! Thankfully it wasn't a terrible bloody nose, but it was our first (I'm sure of many). It stopped rather quickly and we settled on a cookie for breakfast......I think someone earned it ;)
I told you....I have no control.