Friday, July 26, 2013

Emery at 4months

Where does the time go? I know everyone says enjoy these moments because they go by fast, and in all actuality they do. I'm definitely enjoying the baby snuggles a lot more this time around but I'm also snuggling with the big boy more too!

waiting for the dr

Little Miss Emery was 4months old last week which meant we had our 4 month check up.

Length 24 1/2" - 75th percentile
Weight 15lb 4oz - 90th percentile

Thats exactly where she was at 2 months, so she's looking good. She's developing right on track, and obviously eating well. We were given the go ahead to try solids, and ended with an oral vaccine and 3 shots. :(  I had a babysitter lined up for that afternoon because I knew E would want to snuggle. And thats pretty much all she did.

All done!

Little did I know was that the shots would leave her fussy and a little off for the entire week. Tuesday morning I dropped her off at school and by noon I had gotten a call that she wasn't eatting and wouldn't stop crying. So I took the afternoon and snuggled my baby.

sweet snuggles

I can multitask if needed...

What is little miss doing? She is starting to become more attentive, will follow you with her eyes, smiles constantly, coo's and giggles are becoming consistent. She has rolled from her belly to her back once, but normally she just rocks back and won't be long now. I had a friend over last week and she has a 7month old, and it kinda took Kayden by surprise that this baby was mobile. He's going to be in for a little shock when sister starts moving around.

Michele with Baby A and Baby E

Big brother taking care of little sis

My "crabby" babies

This is for you mom....Look closely at what it says at the bottom of the picture....
Facebook seems to think my Kayden looks like Travis Ritz!

The rest of the week was a little rough, but E managed to stay at school the next 3 days. But to say it was a long, rough week, would be an understatement.

But kissing these cheeks will make it all worth it!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Potty Training Weekend

Remember that naked weekend I was going to attempt with this cute little cars booty?????

Yeah........ lets just say we were 0-6 by nap time with Kayden, Emery had the spit ups and I was exhausted. Needless to say we went back to diapers. But on a good note, Kayden has improved at schoo!!! He pee's on the potty at least twice a day, sometimes more and is initiating it as well. So not all hope is lost, but it will definitely be within his own time frame. Of which I'm ok with. Less stress on me!

So the rest of the weekend was decent. Saturday afternoon we visited Brett out at the lake. And sunday we enjoyed church, nap time and books.

Hoarding the breadsticks

my lovebug

playing with bugs, waiting on daddy

on second thought, I'm just gonna eat ALL the breadsticks

Who you lookin at???

Family nap time is the best!

Pirate book

Then we started the week of "nothing would go my way".... more on that tomorrow.

July 5th-14th

Is it odd that I can tell what day things happen on by the order of pictures on my phone? Thats the only way I remember some things.....I think I have a problem.

The morning after July 4th, we all slept in. No alarm clocks, just me and my babies in bed. I still had to go to work but nothing pressing that I had to be on time for. Of course we were all up by 8a, so it wasn't sleeping in by much. Story of my life.

How sweet are these two snugglers?

Saturday the 6th included baby snuggles and surprise packages in the mail!!!

Love these two

What could it be?

Coloring book, goggles and a book!

And cute outfits for E!
Thanks OB & Lanny!
Sunday we made Jello jigglers, went to church and played around...
A cute little bow!

You gotta do what you gotta do

Everyone needs a sticker of Kayden on their head!

Funny story....I don't think Kayden liked the texture because he refused to eat the jello. However he would lick it. So he would lick the jiggler in the middle until it would dissolve and break and then he'd get a new one. Guess we won't be making jello very often. Lol
The rest of that week was fairly normal.....

I adore these babies!

4th of July

4th of July was a little different for us this year. Surprisingly enough Brett had the day off, so he took Kayden for the day which was great because I had to work! I had two of our daycare teachers come in and babysit Emery since I was gone all day. It worked out well.

My department is in charge of the fireworks show, the pre party and the fishing tournament the morning of. That meant I was on the clock from 5a-12midnight. Long day, but a ton of fun!

I got to run home at lunch and see my girl!

Kayden had a blast at dads!

My little firecrackers

Had to change professions ;) 

Happy 4th of July!

Car Wash

The past couple of weeks have been some in which nothing and I mean nothing went the way I had planned. Life goes on right? True story. Thankfully its ok to throw in the towel, ignore everyone else and just attempt to go with the flow....

So I'll catch up in several posts....

Beginning of July Brett offered to wash the jeep for me. So we bought everything we needed, he came over, took Kayden outside with him and the boys washed the car. Us girls stayed inside and cooked dinner and cleaned house. Fair trade!

Kayden had an absolute BLAST!!! This kid kept asking for an entire week to wash the car everyday! Maybe instead of time out I'll make him wash my car???? hahahaha


After that Brett got a little grumpy, so we made K switch what he was washing...