Friday, January 21, 2011

8 months old!

Kayden is 8 months old now and growing like crazy! He is testing the boundaries to see what he can/cannot do, getting away with all kinds of mischeif and just being a boy. But he's cute and with his little smile and giggle he can get away with pretty much anything...which he knows.

Kayden is crawling like crazy, pulling himself up on everything and cruising the couches like a pro. His balance is improving and we're sure that by 9months he'll be walking. He has two bottome teeth, his top teeth are almost there (although we've been saying that for over a month), he loves to eat solid foods. We've started to feed him stage 3 foods which contain meat and are thicker.....well he doesn't always enjoy them. So its a slow process and very messy, but all in due time. He is also learning how to drink out of a sippy cup which is messy fun too! He's a little over 22lbs and is thinning out. Big brown eyes and adorable blonde hair.

We also got to go on our first "roadtrip" wasn't really a fun road trip, but we visited 4 states in 2 days and drove 1400 miles. Kayden was a great travel buddy, he slept alot and just liked to have someone in the backseat to play with. But he got to see Grandma and Grandpa Janway and Aunt Rebecca which he loved! Tomorrow we're going to hang out with Kim, Kaitlyn and Jacob at the Oklahoma Science Museum! Super excited!!!

My pants are falling off!

Apples and Chicken....I think Kayden considered throwing the bowl against the wall

Not a big fan....I guess its bath time!

I've got my cup!

still trying to figure this thing out

Thursday, January 6, 2011

We're Mobile!!!

Now that Kayden has figured out how to crawl and pull himself up, there's no stopping him! He loves to follow us around the house and will pull up on anything he can hold onto. He's super cute to watch. He still falls down as he's learning how to balance, but he just gets right back up and keeps on going. Here's some cute videos of him crawling and pulling up.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

7 1/2 months

Happy New Year!

Kayden is 7 1/2 months old, and growing up quickly! He is changing each and every day and we are amazed at what he is learning and doing. It is so much fun to watch him figure things out. It really makes you think how they figure things out.

Soooo tasty!! 

Silly boy

Here are the bullet points...
  • Loves to look at himself in the mirror
  • Crawling on hands and knees!!!!
  • Babbling with consonants.....We think dada is going to be his first word
  • Loves to eat solid foods! He has started on meats and is beginning to eat table foods
  • Wearing 6-9mo clothes with 9-12mo pants
  • Has the cuttest giggle around! Loves to laugh =)
  • Pulling up on the couch, ottoman, everything he can really
  • Cruising the couches
  • Loves to play in his walker
  • Would rather play with the computer and camera than his toys
He's a fabulous little boy!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I know I'm a litle belated, but its been a little busy around here. Here's a recap of our Christmas's.

With the Janway family we drew names (mainly since we're not all together on Christmas), which was fun. We had Katie and Sarah and Dad and Paul had Brett and me. Very simplistic and we had a good time. Although Brett's gift is on backorder and won't be here until late January...hehehehe.

With the Palmer family we did a secret santa gift exchange and a luncheon. Lots of good food and we had a great time. And fabulous gifts too! Hopefully we can make this an annual tradition. :)

Courtney, Clint, Andrea, Matt, Rachel, Brett

Alex, Kayden & Adyson (cousins)

The rest of Christmas was filled with 3 sick Palmers. Kayden got a sinus infection at daycare and shared it with Brett and I. Super fun. We were still able to visit with Brett's grandparents on Christmas Eve since they hadn't met Kayden yet. Brett worked both Christmas Eve and Christmas day, so we waited until late to open gifts. Kayden got lots of wonderful gifts, although I must admit he had more fun with the sacks and boxes they came in. =) He's having fun playing with the gifts now that all the boxes are gone! Thank you to everyone for all the presents!!!

Lots of presents

Too many to choose from

Pull me in my wagon!

Merry Christmas!